Adaptris Deutschland GmbH
Geeren 24
28195 Bremen, Germany

Tel: +49 (0)421 1686 775

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Adaptris Integration - designed to be flexible and open

Our Products
Event Controller
Genero® Development Suite

The Adaptris Embedded Mediation Framework is a complete EAI system that meets all requirements of Enterprise Application Integration.

It offers the possibility to construct an optimal system according to your requirements. Configuration and no programming is the leading concept.

It can be compared to Lego® kit. In the configuration the single Mediation Plugins are put together and results in the entire system. This can be extended at discretion.

This guarantees maximum flexibility and reusability of components.

The Mediation Framework is designed on open standards. Open standards means the use of general knowledge and that no proprietary point solutions can occur.

Operating system and database independence are self-evident.

The Mediation Framework provides maximum portability, flexibility and future orientation.

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